28 янв. 2011 г.

Abstract classes with Ext JS

In this screencast, we discuss the basics of Abstract classes and how they can help you design maintainable and extensible code.

Here is the code from the screencast:


MyApp.AbstractFormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {

    defaultType : 'textfield',
    frame       : true,
    width       : 300,

    height      : 200,
    labelWidth  : 75,
    submitUrl   : null,

    initComponent : function() {
         Ext.apply(this, {

            items    : this.buildItems(),
            buttons  : this.buildButtons(),

            defaults : {
                anchor : '-10'


    buildItems : function() {
        return [];

    buildButtons : function() {
        return [

                text    : 'Submit',
                scope   : this,
                handler : this.onSubmit

                text    : 'Cancel',
                scope   : this,

                handler : this.onCancel
    onSubmit : function() {

        Ext.MessageBox.alert('Submit', this.submitUrl);

    onCancel : function() {
        this.el.mask('This form is canceled');


MyApp.NameFormPanel = Ext.extend(MyApp.AbstractFormPanel, {
    title      : 'Edit name data',

    submitUrl  : 'nameAction.asp',
    buildItems : function() {
        return [

                name       : 'firstName',
                fieldLabel : 'First Name'

                name       : 'lastName',
                fieldLabel : 'Last Name'

                name       : 'middleName',
                fieldLabel : 'Middle Name'

                xtype      : 'datefield',
                name       : 'dob',

                fieldLabel : 'DOB'

    buildButtons : function() {
        var btns = MyApp.NameFormPanel.superclass.buildButtons.call(this);

        btns[0].text = "OK";
        btns[0].handler = this.onOkBtn;

        return btns;
    onOkBtn : function() {

        console.info('OK btn pressed');




MyApp.AddressFormPanel = Ext.extend(MyApp.AbstractFormPanel, {

    title      : 'Edit address data',
    submitUrl  : 'addressAction.asp',
    buildItems : function() {

        return [
                name       : 'address1',
                fieldLabel : 'Address 1'

                name       : 'address2',
                fieldLabel : 'Address 2'

                name       : 'city',
                fieldLabel : 'city'

                xtype      : 'combo',
                name       : 'state',

                fieldLabel : 'State',
                store      : ['MD', 'VA', 'DC']

                xtype      : 'numberfield',
                name       : 'zip',

                fieldLabel : 'Zip Code'
