In this screencast, we discuss the basics of Abstract classes and how they can help you design maintainable and extensible code.
Here is the code from the screencast:
Ext.ns('MyApp'); MyApp.AbstractFormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, { defaultType : 'textfield', frame : true, width : 300, height : 200, labelWidth : 75, submitUrl : null, initComponent : function() { Ext.apply(this, { items : this.buildItems(), buttons : this.buildButtons(), defaults : { anchor : '-10' } });; }, buildItems : function() { return []; }, buildButtons : function() { return [ { text : 'Submit', scope : this, handler : this.onSubmit }, { text : 'Cancel', scope : this, handler : this.onCancel } ]; }, onSubmit : function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert('Submit', this.submitUrl); }, onCancel : function() { this.el.mask('This form is canceled'); } });NameFormPanel.js
Ext.ns('MyApp'); MyApp.NameFormPanel = Ext.extend(MyApp.AbstractFormPanel, { title : 'Edit name data', submitUrl : 'nameAction.asp', buildItems : function() { return [ { name : 'firstName', fieldLabel : 'First Name' }, { name : 'lastName', fieldLabel : 'Last Name' }, { name : 'middleName', fieldLabel : 'Middle Name' }, { xtype : 'datefield', name : 'dob', fieldLabel : 'DOB' } ]; }, //Extension buildButtons : function() { var btns =; btns[0].text = "OK"; btns[0].handler = this.onOkBtn; return btns; }, //Override onOkBtn : function() {'OK btn pressed'); } });
Ext.ns('MyApp'); MyApp.AddressFormPanel = Ext.extend(MyApp.AbstractFormPanel, { title : 'Edit address data', submitUrl : 'addressAction.asp', buildItems : function() { return [ { name : 'address1', fieldLabel : 'Address 1' }, { name : 'address2', fieldLabel : 'Address 2' }, { name : 'city', fieldLabel : 'city' }, { xtype : 'combo', name : 'state', fieldLabel : 'State', store : ['MD', 'VA', 'DC'] }, { xtype : 'numberfield', name : 'zip', fieldLabel : 'Zip Code' } ]; } });